Tag Archives: 2012

72 Hour Urban Action – projects

28 Jul

72 Hour Urban Action – the finished projects! | Facebook.

questo il progetto del team GRADIENT WOOD AND CONCRETE, composto da: lassen (team leader/community), Stefan Kartchev, Gergana Petrova (safety), Julian Friedaver, Uta/Katherina Bocker, Dori Di Prato, Marco Terranova, Angelo Zingale (treasurer), Julien Timpanaro (CAD), Giuseppe Palanga (tool master), Mariella Nalli, Felix Koutchinski (blogger)

la loro missione ha il titolo di Lonely Benches Club e nonostante non abbia vinto all’interno del workshop 72 hour urban action ha riscosso grande successo da subito da parte dei cittadini di stoccarda e dai primi avventori della piazzetta sito progettuale. questa senza dubbio la più grande soddisfazione per i ragazzi che hanno dato vita al progetto ed in particolare dei miei amici e colleghi Julien T., Dori, MaT., Peppe P. e Angelo Z.

dalla sottoscritta, grandi grandi congratulazioni ;)

info auf deutsch: http://www.dw.de/dw/article/0,,16095837,00.html

Banksy: You Are an Acceptable Level of Threat

26 Jul

Banksy – You Are an Acceptable Level of Threat NEW 2012 – YouTube.

That’s the truth. There’s someone who decides what is acceptable and not, what’s a threat and what is not. That’s cool, that someone like Bansky is still an acceptable level of threat and his graffiti are not cleaning up from the London’s walls. When Bristol street cleaners painted over a Bansky work in 2007 it was considered a serious mistake. And now, the plan to use the Olympics as a fodder to give voice to another “misterious” (not that much) critics to the society, has perfectly worked: milions of tourists goes through the city looking for the famous street’s art works and now the cleaners has no right to clean up those paintings. That’s cool, that people can still enjoy that images: you need no more than a second to feel the power of such a draw. A many speaks about somethig terrible could happend tomorrow, on the 27th of July 2012, the opening cerimony day. I’m scared. And the lasts Bansky works are also in my eyes another message of silent crimes..I pray.

olympics 2012